Mount Olive Cemetery Rules and Regulations
On December 4, 1925, the Chebra Agudath Achim Congregation (now known as Taylor Road Synagogue of Cleveland Heights, Ohio and the Slobodker Benevolent Cemetery Association of Cleveland, Ohio (now known as the Forest City Hebrew Benevolent Association of Cleveland, Ohio) in partnership purchased a parcel of land in Solon, Ohio. The two parties agreed to dedicate and use this parcel for the burial of human bodies of persons of the Jewish Faith. Mount Olive Cemetery Association is a non-profit association, having neither stockholders nor stock, and possess a Board of Directors to manage its business. All money received is used exclusively for the maintenance and improvement of the cemetery.
- The use of this parcel is for the burial of persons of the Jewish faith. Only a Jewish service shall be permitted at funerals.
- Cremated remains are not allowed to be buried on the cemetery grounds.
- Visitors and employees should always exhibit behavior that is becoming to a sacred place. Food and alcoholic beverages are forbidden.
- We are unable to guarantee safe footing. Be careful when walking in the cemetery.
- The Association retains control and supervision of all purchased lots. It is the duty of the Executive Director to enter any lot, and prohibit, modify, or remove any structure, object, improvement, or adornment which may have been placed in violation of the cemetery rules or which may be considered objectionable or injurious to the general appearance of the cemetery.
- The Association endeavors to maintain adequate security within the cemetery, and reasonable efforts are made to protect vegetation and other property but responsibility for their protection is not guaranteed.
- The Association expressly disclaims all responsibility or liability for accident, or damage to person(s) or property due to defects of machinery, implements, tools, and other equipment used in its work.
- The use of roads and paths in the cemetery, as thoroughfares, either in vehicles or on foot, is prohibited. Violators shall be considered trespassers.
- Vehicles should not exceed 5 miles per hour. Do not drive or park on the grass.
- No persons with firearms, other than police or authorized military, will be permitted to enter the grounds.
- Dogs are not allowed in the cemetery with the exception of service dogs or those kept in automobiles or those on a leash accompanied by their owner.
- No bands are permitted to enter the cemetery except at Military funerals or on Memorial Day
- All persons are strictly prohibited from plucking any plants, whether wild or cultivated; disturbing waterfowl or other animals; injuring vegetation, marring monuments, or landmarks or in any way defacing the grounds of the cemetery.
- No interment may be made unless the body is accompanied by a burial permit and a licensed funeral director.
- Internment fees are due and payable before or when the funeral arrives at the cemetery.
- At least twenty-four hours’ notice is required for the preparation of a grave.
- If said grantee designates someone other than those named in the deed, to be interred in said lot, the Mount Olive Cemetery Association must give consent to the change after receiving written notification and/or surrender of the old deeds. The burial of a person other than the lot owner may be refused regardless of a written designation by the lot owner.
- Interment and disinterment may be made only by regular employees of the cemetery or by individuals specifically designated. The use of a burial vault for interment is preferred. In the absence of a burial vault, an additional fee will be added to the cost of perpetual care. Bottomless vaults are available to be in keeping with Jewish Law.
- Disinterment must be in accordance with Ohio Cemetery Law and must conform to the specific statutes of the Ohio Revised Code. Disinterment may only be permitted with an approved probate court ruling and/or permission. An Ohio licensed funeral director must oversee the disinterment and a rabbi must grant permission.
- Each section is permitted to establish their own fee structure. Charges may vary if extra services are required. The cemetery has uniform fees which include opening and closing of the grave, the use of an automatic lowering device, the use of a tent, Star of David corner markers and the planting of grass. NOTE: Occasionally the tent and/or automatic lowering device cannot be implemented. This does not affect the fees.
The objective of the Mount Olive Cemetery staff is to constantly maintain and improve the grounds to enhance the beauty of the cemetery.
- Planting on gravesites is prohibited. The cutting of turf upon a burial lot is not permitted.
- Artificial plants are not permitted and will be removed.
- Decorations e.g., wood chips, stones, are not permitted and will be removed.
- Cemetery Management must approve receptacles for cut flowers and their placement or they will be removed.
- Potted plants will be permitted throughout the year and are to be placed close to the headstone to keep them from becoming an obstacle to workers and visitors. They will remain until the management feels that they have become unsightly. The management reserves the right to remove or relocate potted plants.
- Permanent plantings of trees and/or shrubs are made before the burial rights are offered for sale. Any further plantings may be permitted only at the discretion of the Cemetery management.
- When permission for a special planting has been obtained, the trees and/or shrubs become the property of the Association.
- Flag holders and American Flags are to be installed only by Jewish War Veteran Post #44 members and their authorized personnel. Flags are to be placed no earlier than ten days prior to Memorial Day and will be removed after Veterans Day. Deteriorated flags will be removed. When available, a replacement flag can be obtained at the cemetery office.
- The Cemetery is not responsible for any decoration or personal effects left on graves. Items outside these guidelines will be removed.
- Every reasonable precaution will be extended to your family member’s monument. However, the cemetery assumes no responsibility for the damage that may occur to your loved one’s headstone. This includes but is not limited to the following: mowing, weed eating, storm damage, or damage that may be caused by the daily maintenance of the cemetery. Headstones are the property of the deceased’s families and in most cases can be covered by homeowners’ insurance.